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Welcome to The Light Trigger™ website

The Light Triggeris your innate personal color frequency that facilitates your connection to “Source” for guidance.

Source has been described in spiritual, philosophical, and metaphysical literature in many ways. For example, your Guardian Angel/s; your Spirit Guide/s; your Essence or Essence Self; your Higher Self/Mind; your inner self; your soul; All That Is; a deity, or who or whatever you believe will give you positive, loving guidance when called upon. For consistency and clarity, we maintain the words Source or Higher Mind when referring to this non-egoic form of guidance.

According to metaphysical sources, you possess a uniquely personal color frequency as part of your overall vibrational signature. This overall vibrational signature—the energy signature of your Being—is referred to as your primal “Tone.” Your Tone, which contains the vibrational constant of color, is the marker of your individuated identity within the Oneness of Consciousness.

Your Light Triggeris not necessarily your favorite color, although how you came to decide upon your favorite color may have been initiated by a subconscious awareness of its existence.

As mind boggling as this may seem, this uniqueness in the expression of one’s Being within the physical world is analogous to the crystallization of water into snowflakes (no two snowflakes are alike in their sixfold symmetry); and with special regard to color, the unique color frequency emitted by every star in the Cosmos—due to their chemical constituents, magnitude (brightness), and temperature.

How would my Light Trigger™ benefit me?

The light trigger colour for me has been a useful addition to my daily routine and my ‘go-to’ method to centre myself in the mornings before starting the daily tasks, [and to] calm my mind when I’m feeling anxious or to simply ask for an answer to a tricky question. (P.S., U.K.)

My connection to my High Selves seems to be coming through more clearly as far as receiving guidance, even though it has a very subtle feel to it.  Maybe I listen better.

All in all, thank you for discovering this wonderful dowsing technique and sharing it with others.  Very important work. (T.S., California.)

My Light Trigger Color has become my most effective “grounding stone” for these times.

I have found this to be particularly useful while I’m meditating, journaling with my soul, and connecting with my guides, as well as any time my mind is racing and I need to focus in and be creative.

More than a tool, I’ve come to see my color as a precious friend that I can always rely on in times of need, and I am so grateful for it. (K.S., Oregon.)

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