What do I need to prepare for my call with George?

You don’t need to prepare anything special for your call with George.

You will need to have the Apple FaceTime App on your iPhone, iMac or iPad to facilitate the call; or the Zoom software App which works on all devices (including Windows and Android operating systems), and is free to download at George will send out invites on both Apps.

What happens during the 20-minute appointment call with George?

The 20-minute appointment call with George is an opportunity for George to get to know a little about your specific goals and needs. During the consultation you can ask any questions you have and George will go through with you what your Light Trigger is for and the specifics of your personal embedding program.

After the call you will receive an email with your Light Trigger color image attached for downloading onto the device you specified on registration. Within the email will be a link to obtain a pdf file of the generic “Embedding Intructions.”

What’s the “Embedding” process all about?

The embedding process is actually a program for the subconscious mind. If George is able to dowse your specific color frequency—your personal Light Trigger color—and calibrate its image to your specified device, you will receive it as an attachment to an email that will outline the exact “gazing sequence” you need to follow to embed the image in your subconscious mind.

The gazing sequence is also specific to your personal needs, not simply a generic coding. As an example, you may be told to gaze at the color image on your device for two minutes, twice a day, for two days. Another person can have a totally different sequence.

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