How Can I Use My Light Trigger™?

Once you have received your unique Light Trigger™ color frequency image and are satisfied with the completion of your personal “Embedding Instructions”—how are you going to use it?

How you use it depends somewhat on the device you view it on, but once fully embedded in your subconscious, you should be able to bring the color quite readily to mind when you close your eyes. However, as some have found, a quick glimpse at the color before doing an exercise of some description can help focus the mind on establishing this quick and unique way of connecting to Source.

Here are but a few “exercises” that you may wish to consider using your LT for:

  • Enhancing your meditative practice – going deeper into a meditation. You can set an intention after picturing your color in your mind’s eye to focus the meditation on a particular outcome—solving a particular dilemma for yourself or simply sending waves of heart energy out into the world, for example.
  • Keep your LT color frequency in your mind’s eye before praying if this is your preferred form of ‘meditative practice.’
  • Setting an intention for dream recall before going to sleep. Settle down to sleep, but just before going to sleep, picture your color and ask Source to bring you ideas that haven’t occurred to you on a project you’re working on. You could also set an intention to have a “lucid dream” that will bring you such ideas and information.
  • Remind yourself of your color—your bridge to Source inspiration—before giving someone a consultation or therapeutic session. For example: a Reiki session, a Tarot reading, a Reflexology session, a Hypnosis session (particularly a Regression), an Energy Psychology technique such as EFT, or a Dowsing session.
  • Try tuning into your LT color frequency before experimenting with “automatic writing” or typing. Automatic writing is another well-documented way of allowing information from Source to flow through the subconscious mind onto the page.

It’s important to remember the fundamental principle behind knowing your personal Light Trigger™ color frequency. It is, quite literally, your magical connection to Source—whatever you want to call “Source.” It is a connection of energy frequencies. This is why it enhances any practices that are concerned with balancing energy within the physical, psychological, and/or emotional bodies.

It is interesting to note that around 30% of us, higher than this figure amongst the female population, are already guided by intuitional prompts—in-tuition—tuition from within. There are neurological pathways within the brain that facilitate intuitional processing. Source will utilize these pathways first before establishing new ones through repetition. Regular use of your LT with whatever exercises you are drawn to will eventually develop and expand these pathways in the brain.

Speaking as a psychologist, your LT acts as an information channel between your conscious awareness, unconscious mind and your Higher Mind. The Higher Mind still utilizes your subconscious filter during this connection. That is, you will only receive information from your Higher Mind or Source that your conscious mind is ready to receive. The subconscious acts as a safety valve in this regard. And the Higher Mind knows of the “natural timing” in play—the most beneficial time for you to receive certain information. (CLICK HERE for a graphical depiction of the Human Mind.)

Also be aware that information from Source is not meant to take away your choices on how to act. Unless there is an extremely critical decision to be made (where you will feel the intensity of energy toward a particular action), Source can often serve you with a menu of workable solutions from which you can choose. Source/Higher Mind does not want to undermine your fundamental free will—or act as an easy problem solver for an idol ego-self. This from Omni, channelled by John L Payne:

The universe is impartial. You are creators; you create your own reality. Your reality is your choice. Your reality is your choice. Your reality is your choice! You don’t create some of it, you don’t create most of it, you create all of it. You choose your reality in as much as you choose to think the thoughts you are thinking and to feel the feelings you are feeling. You are beings of free will. Free will does not come in measured doses. You either have it, or you do not. So which is it to be? (Omni Reveals the Four Principles of Creation. p.141.)

Do keep a journal of what you are using your LT color for over the coming weeks and months. Record your successes and failures. Experiment with it, see what works for you. Introduce it into whatever field of practice or occupation you are involved with. It could simply be visualizing your LT color before starting work on the coal face (😉), before an important interview, before an exam, or before getting into an important project at work.

Always remember that your LT color frequency consistently connects you to your Higher Mind and ultimately Source—both of which are always there for you to help steer your physical self through life’s challenges.

Please feel free to contact us about your own discoveries on how to use it. The more feedback we have, the better it is going forward with our Light Trigger™ project and its use within an awakening public.

We are in gratitude and appreciation of your feedback, with love,

Chris and George.


How Do I Get My Personal Light Trigger?


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