It comes as no surprise that the ever-accelerating pace of change in Western society is having a detrimental effect upon our everyday thoughts and feelings. Fearful thoughts of what the future holds wrestle with feelings of anxiety, confusion, bewilderment and overwhelm for many of us.
These thoughts and feelings are indication of the increasing divide between the ego-self’s mind of rational objectivity and the inner self’s Higher Mind of intuitive subjectivity. Put another way, our everyday conscious awareness is isolating itself from our unconscious, true-Self-awareness. Our ego-self’s over reliance on logic and rationale in its decision making invariably ignores the impulses and prompts coming from our Higher Mind—from the greater perspective of our spiritual or Essence Self.
There’s no escape from the rising waters of dissolution, confusion and chaos as Neptune conjuncts the karmic Node of Fate on the Master degrees of the Fish on February 23.
Since the 1960s, many of those aware of this divide in the Western psyche, have turned to Eastern philosophies and spiritual traditions as a means to bridge it. Buddhism, Taoism, Yoga, Qi gong, Transcendental Meditation, and other such practices that recognise the need to balance and unblock, if necessary, the flow of life force energy through our physical and mental bodies.
The Light Trigger™ is a recently detected artifact of our “Self,” discovered through the practice of divination. More precisely, George Goodenow, inspired by messages from his spiritual guides, The Council of Light, set his considerable dowsing skills to the test by following their lead in bringing to fruition a key step for an individual to realize their connection to Source.
Our “vibrational signature” is the primal tone of our overall Self’s identity.
Utilizing a uniquely sophisticated form of dowsing, combined with a lifetime working with light from an artistic and scientific perspective, George is able, when befitting the natural timing of the individual, to produce a visual image of an individual’s color frequency—a significant aspect of their overall vibrational frequency or “vibrational signature.”
I will expand upon this premise in forthcoming Blog posts, but in the meantime, I would urge readers to explore the Light Trigger website and, when ready, submit your details to see if the time is right for you to become aware of your personal Light Trigger color frequency. At the very least, stay informed by becoming a Free Subscriber.
The name of this Blog is: The Last Piece.
In gratitude and appreciation of you and your contributions, Chris.