Getting an Appointment With George

In the first instance, you will need to create an account by registering the following details with us. Your details are fully protected and never shared with anyone else without your permission:


Your Username should be easy for you to remember and doesn’t need to be too long. You can’t change your Username once registered.




Where you are currently situated in the world. The Country and nearest Town or City is sufficient.



The device you want to view your personal color frequency on. Be as specific as possible. For example:

An iPhone or Android Cell phone; an Apple Mac Desktop or Laptop or iPad; a Windows Desktop PC or Laptop; or some other Android Tablet. We don’t need to know the serial number, just the make and version if you know it. 

Choose a strong password – 8 digits or more, with at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character.

Thank You!

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